As a result of declining populations of bull trout, the FWS listed bull trout in the Columbia and Klamath basins as threatened under the ESA in June 1998. Field activities occurred throughout the range of Oregon bull trout, and were concentrated in the John Day, Walla Walla, and Grand Ronde River basins. The trout are not easily fooled. Lee Webb. The Klamath Lake Bull Trout SMU is comprised of eleven populations, four of which are considered extinct. Bull Trout distribution in Sun Creek has expanded, and Bull Trout abundance in the stream, once as low as 200 fish, has increased roughly ten-fold. Historic Conditions. On October 15, 1999 the FWS provided a Biological Opinion on Reclamation's Operations and Maintenance in the Snake River Basin above Lower Granite Reservoir. Bull trout are listed as a threatened species under the U.S.

Conservation and Recovery outside of Crater Lake National Park.

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Bull trout like its relative trout family, are opportunistic feeders. That's because they only exist in 5 U.S. States (in the northwest) and two Canadian provinces. The bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) is a char of the family Salmonidae native to northwestern North America. bull trout present or otherwise used by salmon, steelhead, or bull trout at any time of the year as determined by the State Forester. Current and ongoing research also evaluates methods to estimate abundance, and monitor populations at a landscape scale, and assess impacts to bull trout reproduction caused by co-occurring spawning Kokanee salmon in Odell Lake. by Eric Apalategui. The Metolius River is one of the more spectacular places in Central Oregon to fly fish and is known for bull trout that migrate from Lake Billy Chinook every winter. Oregon's state record bull trout came out of this lake in 1989, a fish that tipped the scales at over 23 pounds. NPS. Environmental groups in Montana used this and similar information from other western states to support a petition to list bull trout under the federal Endangered Species Act. (Spruell et al. Catching Bull Trout in Oregon Few trout anglers can enjoy the experience of catching a Bull trout. Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) belong to fish collectively known as char that includes: Arctic Char (S. alpinus) White-Spotted Char (S. leucomaenis) Dolly Varden (S. malma) Lake Trout (S. namaycush) Brook Trout (S. fontinalis) Bull Trout native to: western North America Bull Trout are found in the Clark Fork and Flathead drainages of western Montana, and their slowly declining trend has led to their designation as a threatened species. Historically, S. confluentus has been known as the "Dolly Varden" (S. malma), but was reclassified as a separate species in 1980. The native Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) has been determined to be a separate species from the coastal Dolly Varden. Mid-March through April is the best time to fish for bull trout. Distribution of bull trout within the SMU is highly fragmented and concentrated in a few isolated headwater streams of Sycan and Sprague rivers, and Klamath Lake. Endangered Species Act (1998) and as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Anglers are allowed to keep one bull trout (24 inches or larger) per day at Billy Chinook. After April, the weather is warm enough for water enthusiasts which tends to scare the fish away.

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