Erhalten Sie Ihr persönliches Angebot! We offer a science based program in Paleo nutrition coupled with proven anti-inflammation, stress relief, and detox protocols. If you’re looking for a getaway where you can do yoga or indulge in wellness, there’s two options you should consider: Guided retreats.

We also offer online professional fasting detox and rejuvenation programs when you can not join our retreat programs in Thailand. Your journey starts here!

If you plan to visit a yoga retreat, Thailand's Samahita has it all. Restore your mind, body, and spirit during a unique yoga retreat at the resort’s Luna y Mar Spa. ☀ Die Reise Ihres Lebens mit Enchanting Travels.

We set the benchmark for effective wellness programs that will transform you to the best you. 4 Day Luxury Yoga Wellness Retreat on Koh Phangan (Flexible) Ko Pha-ngan, Surat Thani, Thailand Available from March to July Located at the beautiful Sunset Hill Resort you are invited to take in the amazing sea views and pamper yourself for as long as you choose. We offer regenerative detox fasting programs, a new generation of Exclusive Wellness Retreats based on The Golden Key Of Detoxification.

Make 2020 a Journey into your own health with The Sanctuary Thailand´s over 20 years of experience in hosting detox retreats, wellness & weight loss programs.

Kamalaya Koh Samui is a wellness retreat located amid the tropical coastline of Koh Samui, Thailand. Bask in the glory of Thailand’s soul-enriching waterfalls, serene green life, sprightly streams, and tranquil environs to experience pure bliss and serenity. Sonne, traumhafte Strände, kristallklares Meer, üppige Palmen und eine herzliche Kultur - all das gehört zum paradiesischen Thailand.Eine Reise dorthin verspricht pure Erholung und Entspannung und zu jeder Jahreszeit sommerlich warme Temperaturen.Thailand eignet sich also auch perfekt für eine kleine Auszeit vom europäischen Winter. Samahita Retreat in Thailand have given us a real insight into everything you need to kn… Raw Carrot Cake Recipe. Here are 9 wellness-focused retreats and destinations that you can score for less than $1,000 in places as far-flung as Thailand and Nicaragua. Welcome to Wellness Travel Thailand Thailand is a fascinating country with long history and unique cultures , an exotic climate, world-renowned Thai food, modern metropolises, and amazing attractions , five-star service standards in hotels and hospitals, as well as spectacular health spas and wellness retreats.

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