Wearing a trash bag short circuits part of your body's cooling process. Favorite Answer All wrapping plastic around any part of your body does is not allow the skin to breathe, thus forcing your body to sweat. Alongside fat burners and waist trainers, wrapping your stomach in plastic wrap is one of those not-so-scientific methods that's rumored to help you lose weight fast and with minimal effort. If you want to lose weight a plastic bag over the stomach will do very little extra.

The trash bag prevents the sweat from evaporating, signaling the body to keep producing sweat in the hopes of lowering your body temperature. In this manner, the trash bag causes weight loss from water loss. Helpful, trusted answers from doctors: Dr. Madjidi on lose weight putting a plastic bag around your stomach: An effective method to lose weight or body fat.

Doing this while working can doesn't burn fats, it can only increase your sweat… Many people know the dangers of corsets and wearing waist trainers, so some have turned to this method in order to get the sought after slim waist. Favourite answer No, wrapping plastic bag around your stomach while working is not true. Wrapping plastic wrap (like Reynold’s Wrap) around your midsection, usually with some sort of lotion, cream or solution, in order to shrink your waist.

However, while binding your stomach (or any part of your body) in plastic during exercise will definitely cause you to sweat, it won't increase your calorie burn or boost fat loss.

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