We no longer grow this cultivar. Loropetalum chinensis rubrum is a subspecies with bright pink flowers and attractively colored foliage. As a member of the Witch Hazel family, loropetalum has a long history of use for a variety of medicinal purposes.

Loropetalum History and Origin: Loropetalum is a genus within the Hamamelidaceae family, native to China, Japan and south east Asia. The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity.

Loropetalum chinense 'Ever Red' (Chinese Fringe Flower) Noted for its attractive foliage and brightly colored flowers, Loropetalum chinense 'Ever Red' (Chinese Fringe Flower) is a bushy evergreen shrub of neat, compact habit with dark burgundy leaves which retain their rich color throughout summer.

May just be another name for Loropetalum chinense var.

Název mluví za vše: ‘Ever Red’ – stále červený.

rubrum 'Blush'. *Plant shown is Ever Red® The pink flowers bloom through out the year, peaking in April. Vivid red … Like few other shrubs, the beauty and charm of the Ever Red Loropetalum is there for you to admire all year long. It grows naturally in open woodlands in China, Japan, and other parts of south-east Asia. Lizw. Loropetalum (Loropetalum chinense), also known as Chinese fringe-flower, is a member of the Witchhazel family (Hamamelidaceae).The genus name, Loropetalum, is derived from the Greek words for strap and petal, and refers to the long, thin petals of its fringe-like blooms.While native to China, Japan and the Himalayas, loropetalum is well-adapted to all regions of South Carolina.


Extremely heat tolerant, it thrives in southern US landscapes.

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Loropetalum chinense Ever Red Loropetalum chinense.

*Plant shown is Ever Red® The resemblance is obvious in the fragrant, spider-like flowers that bloom in late winter or early spring, when few other plants are in bloom. Loropetalum chinezesc 'Fire Dance' (Loropetalum chinense) este mereu rosu! Please allow an additional 14 days for your delivery to arrive. Home > L > Loropetalum > Loropetalum chinense Ever Red. To plant Ever Red Sunset Loropetalum, dig a hole no deeper than the root ball and two to three times the width of the root ball and fill it with water. The Ever Red's floral display begins in late winter, as wonderfully scented, deep red blooms invade your shrub for an unforgettable show of color. Here are our tips on caring for it to embellish its blooming and growth. One has white to pale-yellow flowers, and normal green leaves. The truest red flowers of any loropetalum, vivid spidery blooms stand out dramatically against the deep burgundy foliage. Evergreen Chinese fringe flower shrub. Loropetalum is a small genus of only one or a few evergreen shrubs or small trees in the witch hazel family. The medium-sized stature and slightly arching habit gives this variety a regal appearance. Loropetalum chinense facts. rubrum 'Raspberry Fringe' A compact evergreen shrub with bronze-red new growth, with age the leaves turn olive-green. Hello there It will tolerate most soils although I wouldn't grow it in a highly alkaline soil. There are two distinct forms of this plant. Less commonly found in Florida is Loropetalum chinense var. The genus name is derived from the Greek word ‘loron’ meaning ‘strap’ and ‘petalon’ meaning ‘petal’. Shop Monrovia 3.58-Gallon Red Ever Red Fringe Flower Flowering Shrub in Pot in the Shrubs department at Lowe's.com. The Reddest Blooms on a Loropetalum!If you're looking to add a gorgeous pop of color to your garden, deck or patio, the Ever Red Loropetalum is the perfect way to do it.

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