It is also the third biggest coal consumer. The United States was the second worldwide in coal production but has slipped to third, generating 702 Million tons of coal in the 2018 period representing approximately 9% of global coal production. 12 September 2018 - 14 September 2018 +1 780 757 9488; Visit website; . Historical coal data: coal production, availability and consumption 1853 to 2018. By comparison, the world coal reserves at the end of 2017 were 1.04 trillion metric tons (BP 2018). Published 22 January 2013 Last updated 25 July 2019 — see all updates

Interestingly, China is the number one producer of gold in the world in 2017, according to the GFMS Gold Survey 2018, extracting almost 131 tonnes more than second place Australia.
Most Most of the reserves are anthracite and bituminous (70%). US consumption of coal is estimated at 8.5% of the world's total usage, and nearly 23.5% of the nation's electricity production depends on coal. The 2018 rise in coal consumption was driven by India and China, the two largest coal-consuming economies, with Turkey and Russia also contributing to the rising demand. Coal Association of Canada 2018 Conference . This is despite the UK going weeks at a time rely on coal for a part of its energy mix, with just four coal-fired power stations left in the country before they are to be finally phased out in 2025.

World coal reserves in 2018 stood at 1055 billion tonnes and are heavily concentratedin just a few countries:US (24%), Russia (15%), Australia(14%) and China (13%). This event expired on the 14 September 2018. In 2017, global gold mine production was a reported 3,247 tonnes. China, responsible for nearly half of global coal consumption, has seen its second consecutive annual increase, driven mainly by power generation and some industrial sectors such as steel, chemicals and cement. Not only does coal provide electricity, it is also an essential fuel for steel and cement production, and other industrial activities. That’s about 13% of global mine production. Figure 12 Rest of the World’s Cumulative Coal Production, 1950-2017. World coal production is projected to peak in 2028 at 8,417 million metric tons and decline to 6,101 million metric tons by 2050. Click to view the latest Coal events. Coal is a fossil fuel and is far more plentiful than oil or gas, with coal reserves worldwide in 2018 accounting for 132 years of production. Although coal power is increasingly looked at with disdain by much of the world for its contribution to harmful emissions, coal production actually increased globally by 1.9% in 2018.

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