Ready for the dry years: Building resilience to drought in South-East Asia. Though starting slowly, droughts can have devastating cumulative impacts – striking hardest at the poor and heightening inequality, as well as degrading land and increasing the prospects of conflict. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) recently launched a new study titled ‘Ready for the Dry Years: Building resilience to drought in South-East Asia’.

Though starting slowly, droughts can have devastating cumulative impacts – striking hardest at the poor and heightening inequality, as well as degrading land and increasing the prospects of conflict. Report_Ready_for_the_Dry_Years_-_Building_resilience_to_drought_in_South-East_Asia_UNESCAP_2019.pdf Though starting slowly, droughts can have devastating cumulative impacts – striking hardest at the poor and heightening inequality, as well as degrading land and increasing the prospects of conflict. Author: UN, ESCAP; Publication date: October 2019 Page count: 64; Language(s) in this book: English; Sales number: 19.II.F.7; Available Formats. It offers clear analysis on the principal risks in the region and was released against the backdrop of the ongoing drought in almost all countries in Southeast Asia, with social and economic impacts already being … … Ready for the Dry Years: Building resilience to drought in South-East Asia. Drought Looms for South-East Asia By Sean Buchanan LONDON (IDN) – South-East Asia is expected to experience a future of many dry years and the hardest hit will be the poor, especially farming communities that rely on regular rainfall for their annual crops and have few resources to fall back on during periods of rain shortfall. $30.00 . Ready for the Dry Years offers a clear analysis of this subject, assessing prospects for the decades ahead and highlighting the principal risks. Its key message is that while drought may be inevitable, its impacts can be reduced if timely interventions … United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) recently launched a new study titled ‘Ready for the Dry Years: Building resilience to drought in South-East Asia’. Escap released the study titled Ready for the Dry Years: Building Resilience to Drought in South-East Asia during the 34th Meeting of the Asean Committee on Disaster Management. South-East Asia is regularly hit by droughts. The study (2019), entitled Ready for the Dry Years: Building Resilience to Drought in South-East Asia, projects that there will be many more dry years ahead, and the area affected by drought is likely to intensity, shift and expand which could slow down poverty reduction and widen inequality. Ready for the Dry Years offers a clear analysis of this subject, assessing prospects for the decades ahead and highlighting the principal risks. This publication, Ready for the Dry Years: Building resilience to drought in South-East Asia, is a joint product of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacic (ESCAP) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), under the leadership of Kaveh Zahedi, Though starting slowly, droughts can have devastating cumulative impacts – striking hardest at the poor and heightening inequality, as well as degrading land and increasing the prospects of conflict. Ready for the Dry Years offers a clear analysis of this subject, assessing prospects for the decades ahead and highlighting the principal risks. The study shows that there will be many more dry years ahead, and the area affected by drought is likely to shift and expand. Ready for the Dry Years: Building resilience to drought in South-East Asia - With a focus on Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar and Viet Nam Report Launched at the 34th Meeting of the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management, the study Ready for the Dry Years: Building Resilience to Drought in South-East Asia offers clear analysis on the principal risks in the region. South-East Asia is regularly hit by droughts.

Ready for the Dry Years: Building Resilience to Drought in South-East Asia With a focus on Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar and Viet Nam . South-East Asia is regularly hit by droughts. PDF . Humanitarian situation reports, response plans, news, analyses, evaluations, assessments, maps, infographics and more on Southeast Asia: Drought - 2019-2020 Ready for the Dry Years offers a clear analysis of this subject, assessing prospects for the decades ahead and highlighting the principal risks. Source(s): Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia … Ready for the dry years: Building resilience to drought in South-East Asia. Launched today at the 34 th Meeting of the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management, the study Ready for the Dry Years: Building Resilience to Drought in South-East Asia offers clear analysis on the principal risks in the region. Its key message is that while drought may be inevitable, more suffering is not if timely interventions are made. South-East Asia is regularly hit by droughts. Though starting slowly, droughts can have devastating cumulative impacts – striking hardest at the poor and heightening inequality, as well as degrading land and increasing the prospects of conflict.

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