If your issues aren’t as severe, you do have options for a mini tummy tuck if you only have excess skin in the lower abdomen. I had a mini tuck after 2 kids and a breast augmentation and both were worth it. Mini Tummy Tuck: Before understanding what a ‘mini tummy tuck’ is, we have to know what does ‘tummy tuck’ means in the first place. During my consult, I felt zero judgement from Dr. Lee.
One woman shares everything about before and after plastic surgery -- tummy tuck pictures, lip pictures, her tummy tuck scars, tummy tuck cost -- and how she feels about it now. The side effects of a mini tummy tuck are mainly uncomfortable swelling and tenderness that go away in a couple weeks.
Experience and Innovation to Improve Patient Outcomes. Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty: Tummy tuck, or more scientifically called Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgery method that is carried out to transform the human abdomen to a more thinner and firm one. In a mini-tummy tuck, the skin is separated only between the incision line and the navel. A mini abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is limited to supra-pubic skin removal (skin above the pubic area) and fat removal using liposuction. Age: 48 Height: 5'3" Weight: 120 lbs. While most people think the term “mini” simply implies a shorter incision, the actual medical definition of a mini tummy tuck refers to removing some skin in the lower abdomen without incising around the belly button or tightening the muscles above the belly button. A mini tummy tuck is a less invasive procedure that focuses on skin between the belly button and the pubic bone. A tummy tuck is a major surgical procedure that will require weeks to heal.
The technique includes an incision, running from hip to hip. These include: exercise, smoking, and drinking alcohol. How did you come to terms with the regret? Plastic Surgery for the Body - Tummy Tuck and Lipo regrets? Q3: Can you still get a tummy tuck if you’re petite? At the beginning, you will be fatigued, swollen and sore. While most people think the term “mini” simply implies a shorter incision, the actual medical definition of a mini tummy tuck refers to removing some skin in the lower abdomen without incising around the belly button or tightening the muscles above the belly button. It is normal to have moderate pain during these first several days, although this will steadily improve. Procedure: Mini abdominoplasty After Photos Taken: 12 months post-op Note: Patient also underwent liposuction of hips, thighs and flanks, facelift and rhinoplasty . In Orlando, board-certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Armando Soto performs four distinct variations, which includes the modified method, high lateral tension, mini, and extended.
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