The story takes place in two periods-past and present. Chandrakumari is an 2018-2019 Indian Tamil language television historical drama and soap opera jointly directed by popular film director Suresh Krissna and O N Rathnam and co-produced by Sun Entertainment and Radaan Mediaworks which premiered on Sun TV from 10 December 2018 to 1 June 2019 for 144 episodes. Muktha Biography: Muktha was born on November 19, 1991 as Elsa George, the youngest of two children of George and Saly in … The fight between two dynasties leads to a conflict between mother Chandrakumari, played by Radhika Sarathkumar and her daughter. Subsidiary. Chandrakumari serial Actress Raadhika Sarathkumar and Actor Arun Sagar × Close. Actress Viji Chandrasekhar will soon replace Radhika Sarathkumar in the show Chandrakumari, in the titular role.
The same issue resurfaces even in this generation is what keeps viewers on the edge. The plot of the serial is based on the ancient queen Chandrakumari and on the actual ancient historical story. Early history.

Radaan began as a proprietary business in 1975 and subsequently converting into a corporate entity in 1999. started in 1943 and costing a masive Rs 3m this was the first major effort of a Tamil studio to attempt an all-India distribution. Early history.

The story evolves on Anjali (Bhanu) who is an archaeologist searches for the life history of a Chandrakumari (Queen of Chandravamsam) the queen of Mangalapuri. The Naanum Rowdy Dhaan actress is currently acting in a serial called Chandrakumari, that started airing on December 10, 2018. In past Chandrakumari was the queen of Mangalapuri.

7 of 20 Chandrakumari (TV Series) Nirosha. With Aravind Akash, Venu Arvind, Bhanu, Viji Chandrashekhar. Chandrakumari Chandrakumari story takes place around in two periods in past and present. The crux of the serial Chandrakumari which is a periodic drama narrates a conflict between a mother and her daughter. The soap opera features veteran film actress Viji Chandrasekhar playing the lead role while Uma Riyaz Khan, Bhanu, Venu Arvind and Devipriya play pivotal roles. The soap opera features veteran film actress Viji Chandrasekhar playing the …

Apart from Radhika Sarathkumar, Chandrakumari features film actress Bhanu (aka Elsa George, Muktha), Uma Riyaz Khan, Arun Sagar and many others in prominent roles. Once she excavates an idol of Ellaiyaman. Radaan Mediaworks was formed in 1999 and based in Tamil Nadu and is making a range of television serials and movies for Sun TV, Gemini TV, Udaya TV, Surya TV, KTV, ETV, Zee TV, Shakthi TV, Vasantham and Star Vijay. Chandrakumari … Radhika Sarathkumar took to her social media handle and shared this news to her fans formally. Chandrakumari (TV Series) Chandrakumari. Radaan Mediaworks was formed in 1999 and based in Tamil Nadu and is making a range of television serials and movies for Sun TV, Gemini TV, Udaya TV, Surya TV, KTV, ETV, Zee TV, Shakthi TV, Vasantham and Star Vijay. Synopsis : One of Indias most famous films. Subsidiary. Chandrakumari is a new serial which will be an add-on for the mythological serials aired on Malayalam small screen industry. Radaan began as a proprietary business in 1975 and subsequently converting into a corporate entity in 1999. “Welcome to the talented @ActorViji with a warm hug and loads of love to #chandrakumari who will bring a fabulous twist to the story. Current Productions The sets for the shooting were established in Chennai and Mumbai.
Current Productions She was involved in the excavation of present-day Mangalapuri. Nirosha as Kamala Sundramoorthy × Close.

8 of 20 Chandrakumari (TV Series) Muktha.

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