This scar cream will continue to allow your incisions to heal as best as possible during the next several months after surgery.

Do not use skin care products with strong chemicals. You may begin applying a light amount of eye cream or lotion to your eyes one week after surgery or, if you have visible stitches, wait until they have been removed. Post Operative Blepharoplasty Instructions. The degree of bruising and swelling varies from person to person. Eyelid Surgery Recovery Tip 7: Sun Protection Is Essential. Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) FAQs Swelling is the most pronounced in the first 2-3 days following surgery. This includes lifting objects (no matter how lightweight or small) that require … Learn more from WebMD about eyelid surgery called blepharoplasty. This works best in younger patients who do not need excess skin removed. Eye shadow and false eyelashes should not be applied for two weeks after surgery. The most visible aspects of any eyelid surgery are: swelling, stitches, and bruising. Eyelid Surgery Recovery Tip 4: Eye Care. Will I have a lot of Pain after Blepharoplasty?

When can I use eye cream or lotion? Relieving some of the heaviness of the upper and lower eyelids can make the eyes look more refreshed, younger and feel better as well. In order to support your recovery, you should avoid exercise, straining, heavy lifting, alcohol and spicy food early on after an eyelid lift. The results of eyelid surgery can be much better if a brow lift is done at the same time to help reposition tissues where they belong anatomically. ... Don’t put any eye makeup for 2 weeks after your eyelid surgery. During the lower eyelid surgery, excess fatty tissue is removed. Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), like all surgery, involves a period of recovery following the procedure. This addresses the issue of under eye bulges caused by herniated fat pads. After a few days, warm compresses can promote faster resolution of the remaining bruises. An eye lift is a surgical procedure that reduces bagginess from lower eyelids and removes excess skin from the upper eyelids. Persons undergoing upper eyelid blepharoplasty incisions may benefit from the early use of a silicone-based scar cream, according to recent study results published in the Journal of Drugs and Dermatology.A silicone-based cream can reduce cicatricial and hypertrophic scarring. In my practice in New York, I advise my patients after blepharoplasty to wear an under eye cream with sunblock and typically the skin color returns to it’s normal pigmentation. To help reduce the swelling and bruising, take your Arnica Montana and Bromelain as directed, starting before and continuing after surgery. What to Expect after Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery? The swelling typically is as its maximum by 1-3 days post-operatively but some bruising may remain for up to 2-3 weeks post-operatively. How to Reduce Scarring After Blepharoplasty Cosmetic eyelid surgery in San Diego is one of the most frequent aesthetic surgeries performed. After Surgery ... No driving for one, preferably two weeks after surgery. You can use cream and makeup on rest part of your face.

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